With the development of an increasingly advanced era, a lot of technology and innovations continue to emerge. There are so many new ideas that have been collaborated with many existing inventions, especially in the field of photography. Nowadays photography has become a living part of human life, photography is often found wherever we are. According to Irwandi & Muh. Fajar Apriyanto (2012, 1) with the presence of photography, humans can easily create the same imagery as the original. Even photography today can be done by anyone, not only photographers but everyone can take pictures anytime and anywhere either using their mobile phone camera, pocket camera, or using a professional camera such as a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex).

According to Soedjono (2007, 25) wherever the direction of sight, we will always find photographic works in many types both in shape, format, character, type, and even style and appearance that are various, that are around us. With this opportunity, many photographers take advantage to continue to develop the ideas and innovations they want through photography.

The most needed photography in the industrial world is commercial photography. According to Enche Tjin and Erwin Mulyadi (2014, 76) commercial photography is a type of photography that aims to commercialize something like promoting a product or service. There are so many photographers who like this job, in addition to profiting this photography has an economical opportunity that promises that the photographer not only takes pictures but the resulting work makes a profit. Like the purpose of photography according to Soedjono (2007, 30) photographic works have an economic meaning if the work has achieved a commodity product of value because it is shown for commercial or financial achievements. The scope in this field is also quite wide such as fashion photography, product photography, advertising photography, and electronic media.

There are several skills that must be possessed, especially for those of you who want to focus on the commercial photography genre.  In addition to a good understanding of basic photography techniques, you must also have team management skills and be able to communicate well with clients. Some of you may have seen billboards containing pictures of a particular product or service. Or maybe, the advertising images you see for example on product packaging, advertisements on the internet or on social media. All of these things are photos or images of commercial advertisements made with the aim of promoting and introducing a single product or service from the company. And today, the trend of commercial advertising photography is already very developed. Change after change happened, even very quickly. Unlike in the past, when the internet was not yet known to humpans. Perhaps it is still exclusive and limited to advertorial  columns in newspapers or magazines and billboards.

This means that commercial advertising photography is ubiquitous. Whether it's in front of a coffee shop, near an ATM, a crossroads and maybe in a public bathroom. And its role is very useful, especially in terms of marketing. Because, commercial photography can drive the conversion of products or services drastically. But, what the heck is commercial advertising photography? Is the definition the same as Commercial Photography?

What are the things to note when shooting commercially? What is the history of commercial photography? What are the techniques of commercial photography?


A.    What Is Commercial Photography?

Commercial advertising photography, sometimes also called Commercial Photography, is a photographic activity whose photos are used to promote products and services. Because of this orientation of the results, this genre of photography can be interpreted as advertising photography or advertising photography. That is, commercial advertising photographers take pictures of products or subjects for commercial and marketing purposes. In commercial photo sessions, photographers usually work according to client requests, brand guidelines and product imagery. That way, as a commercial photographer, you have to take photos of products or individuals that will be used later in the sale of products or services. This means that the photographic process can be very varaitive. For example, take model photos, take product photos, complete advertising materials and so on.

In essence, commercial photography is a genre of photography that focuses on taking photos intended for advertising purposes. are

B.     Examples of Commercial Photography Products

Photography can be used for commercial purposes to help promote or sell products, events, services and so on. That is what later became an example of commercial advertising photography itself. To be clear, here are some examples of commercial photography, including:

1)      Entertainment promotion

2)      Travel brochures or travel brochures

3)      Product packaging

4)      Book covers

C.    Tips for Becoming a Commercial Advertising Photographer

1)      Choose only one specialization

Maybe some of you didn't know that commercial advertising photography covers all genres of photography that you have from lanscape, food, portrait, fashion and so on. Wedding photographers are also commercial photography because they sell the work in the form of photos to customers and the customer then pays a certain amount of money for the work. It's just that the target of the wedding photography business is more about individuals, aka those who are going to get married.

2)      Mastering basic photography techniques

This photography technique is fundamental and very important. Because by knowing good techniques you can realize your expression and imagination into a photo desired by the client.

3)      Team work management

Fautograph of commercial advertising always and always involves the team. So, you have to know exactly how to manage team work. Usually, commercial advertising involves more people ranging from producers, make up artists, workdrops, image retouchers and so on. Which means, you won't be able to walk alone. Because, this is your business, which is the source of income for you and your team.

4)      Hone communication skills

hone communication skills not only for commercial advertising photography but also all types of businesses whether it is in the field of photography or not. Which means, you have to be smart to communicate with anyone. So, even if you can and are able to produce good photos, it is not necessarily liked by your clients. Therefore, you must communicate with them to understand what the client wants, including explaining the concept and time required. So you have to be responsive and always have a dialogue with your clients and work team. Communication is not only about how to speak continuously but sensitive to the surrounding situation.


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