Conrresponding Author :

Dr Zalzulifa, M.pd



Arranged By :

1.     Ahmad Rifai [229147100]

2.     Hafizh Surya Permadi [2291471031]

3.     Muhammad Firman Maulana [2291471057]

4.     Rifqi Abdillah Syihan [2291471095]









Table Of Contents……………………………………………………………………………..ii



Industry Overview…………………………………………………………………………….1

Product Logo………………………………………………………………………………….2

Vision and Mission……………………………………………………………………………2

Analysis SWOT……………………………………………………………………………….3

Target market………………………………………………………………………………….3

Competitive advantage………………………………………………………………………...4

4P Marketing Strategy…………………………………………………………………………4

Financial Aspek………………………………………………………………………………..5

Profit calculation………………………………………………………………………………5


















Praise and gratitude for the presence of god almighty, who has provided pleasure, so that we can complete this final project on time. We also thank Mr.Zalzulifa, M. pd. Who was given the task of making a company proposal. Every human being lives not only alone, support from friends comes in various forms.

This proposal is prepared as to meet the specifications and objectives of our assignment regarding the PBLL assignment. In preparing this proposal I would like to thank my team mates who have helped, both morally and materially.

we realize that the company's proposal is far from perfect. therefore I hope there are criticisms and suggestions from various parties.

We hope that this report that we have made can add to the knowledge and insight of the readers and is also useful for the development of science.



Jakarta, 11 April 2023




















Anshor Production is a company that stands in the field of photography industry. was founded on April 10, 2023 by a group of photography students at the Jakarta MediaCreative Polytechnic, namely Rifqi Abdillah Syihan, Ahmad Rifai, Firman Maulana, Hafizh Surya. The concept is to establish a company that specializes in three areas of the photography industry namely commercial, wedding, and journalism. This company aims to take pictures of a product owned by a small entrepreneur to be marketed on social media, capture wedding moments and photograph an incident to be reported in the communication media. However, so far we hope that this company will continue to develop into a large company in Indonesia's creative industry, especially in the field of photography.




In this industry, competition accumulates at the basic and advanced levels, very many beginners who play at the product level are still low, this is due to the limitations of players at that level to improve the quality of their products. On the other hand, consumers also still do not have the ability to assess the quality of good photo products, while at the professional level players still tend to be few and competition is still not so tight, and supported by more specific consumers

In Indonesia, this photography business will still be a business field that is in great demand until now. It is believed that along with the development of technology and the world of advertising, this photography business will still be a promising field for the next few years. Then how is the prospect of photography business seen from the opportunities?

First, Wedding Photography. This is a trending opportunity. Every couple, of course, wants the best quality to remember sacred and beautiful moments in their lives. This opportunity is also a way for you to add to your portfolio. Wedding photography is usually not only limited to the wedding day, but also for pre-wedding photgraphy. For this one opportunity, it is necessary to have an abundant stock of ideas to convey to prospective clients. In addition, you can also offer when the bride enters pregnancy. Second, Commercial Photography. Opportunities to offer services to product owners or to advertising agencies that need photographic works. Advertising of a product usually increases from year to year.

That's why this opportunity is still so great for photographers. Can also be asked to photograph products or advertising models for a product. Third, photojournalists. Every mass media company, especially print ones, must experience limitations in assigning photojournalists to come everywhere. As someone who has a camera and mastered journalistic photography techniques, you may be able to offer to become a photojournalist. Based on advice from professional photojournalists in Indonesia, there are three things that need to be mastered when deciding to get involved in journalistic photography; angle, moment, and composition. Janfan lost the moment, because an event can happen very quickly.






We design this logo with a combination of three colors, namely black, white and red. In these three colors have their respective meanings.

·         Black which means professional in doing something

·         White color which means clean and hygienic in doing things is not in a hurry

·         The color red means the courage to do different things from others



Vision and Mission

Vision : Making ANSHOR PRODUCTION as a photography agency that provides quality

services at very cheap and affordable prices for the Jakarta area, professional and full of

responsibility for customer satisfaction.

Mission :

1. Provide maximum service at an affordable price.

2. Improve services periodically according to developments.

3. Provide quality human resources and technology according to consumer demands.

4. Produce quality services and the latest in line with technological developments.






SWOT Analysis


-Has a state-of-the-art studio, in a strategic location.

-Reliable photographers who master photography well.

-Has the most advanced camera that can produce good pictures.

-Friendly service, close to customers, and always ready when needed


-Photographer personnel are lacking, so customer requests are often rejected in some cases.

-There are some equipment that is not so complete in the studio, such as image processing software that often errors, as well as cameras that are lacking.

-Frequent power failures around the studio, disrupting operations. That is, we have not been able to have our own generator


Many people are now fond of personal and family documentation, so the opportunities in this business are getting bigger from time to time.

Every time there is an event, we are always called to capture the moment. With that, we are increasingly aware of the magnitude of opportunities that exist, and we also try to maximize service to them.


Competition in the business world is getting tighter, causing our market share to decline.

After all, nowadays people already have cameras and other personal portrait tools. So they sometimes don't really need our services. In addition, people have also mastered their own photo processing on their respective computers with software that is very diverse and easy to obtain.



We focus on wedding photography which is especially for young newly married couples, besides that we also focus on swordang who are starting their business by way of food photography, and also we focus on people who need our services when on vacation to a place that needs documentary photography






Our competitive advantage lies in the creative ideas of our team. We have a team of experts in photography, lighting, creative design, and with excellent photo results, as well as having excellent experience in commercial photography, wedding photography, and documentary photography. In addition to the creative ideas within us, our services will be measured by our results and professionalism as photographers.


4P Marketing Strategy

1.      Product

There are three products or services that we offer, namely wedding photography, food photography, and journalism


2.      Price


Food Photography and Journalism

·         Drink Photography Start From Rp 25.000,00

·         Food Photography Start From Rp 30.000.00

·         Drink And Food Photography Rp 50.000,00

·         Photography Journalism we Start From Rp 200.000,00


3.      Place

There are two places that we use to photograph wedding photography, namely indoor and outdoor, according to customer needs / requests. Then for food photography we use a photo studio with the help of light lighting so as to produce satisfactory results for customers.


4.      Promotion

We market our business on various social media for example Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and we also market this business with brochures to be known by many people as well as a place to promote our business.




Items Needed

Number of items


Total Price



3 Mount

Rp 5.000.000,00

Rp 5.000.000,00




Rp 3.000.000,00

Rp 9.000.000,00




Rp 10.000.000,00

Rp 20.000.000,00




Rp 5.000.000,00

Rp 20.000.000,00


Decoration and properties


Rp 5.000.000,00

Rp 5.000.000,00


Unexpected Charges


Rp. 5.000.000,00





Total Price

Rp 64.000.000,00



For example, in 1 month we get 4 jobs in wedding photos, 20 food photos, and 2 photojournalism jobs

·         4 Jobs Wedding Photography : 4 x Rp 1.000.000,00 = Rp 4.000.000,00

·         20 Foods Photography : 20 x Rp 50.000,00 = Rp 1.000.000

·         2 Jobs Photojournalism : 3 x Rp 200.000,00 = Rp 600.000,00

we earn around Rp 5,600,000 in one month. Which is where we spend money for shop rental of 5,000,000 for 3 months. Rp 5.600.000,00 x 3 = Rp 16.800.000,00 and we subtract the shophouse rental fee of 5,000,000 is Rp 11.800.000,00 profit we get in 3 months.





Thus we made this business proposal. We would like to thank those who have helped the process of preparing business proposals.We also thank all parties who were willing to read this proposal. Hopefully the business proposals we submit can be considered, accepted, and useful for all.We hope that this proposal can be accepted by many parties as the initial stage to start the Anshor Production business.In addition, we also hope that you will be willing to provide funding assistance so that Anshor Production's business activities can run and compete with other businesses.We realize that our proposal is far from perfect. Therefore, constructive suggestions and criticisms are highly expected for the realization of Anshor Production's efforts.

For all your time and attention, we thank you.























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